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报告时间:10月24日 中午12:00


报告题目:Quasiparticle interference on Type I and Type II Weyl semimetal surfaces

摘要:A Weyl semimetal is a new topological phase of matter that extends the topological classification beyond insulators, exhibits quantum anomalies, possess exotic surface Fermi arc electron states and provides the first ever realization of Weyl fermions in physics. In a Weyl semimetal, the chirality of the Weyl nodes give rise to topological charges, which can be understood as monopoles and anti-monopoles of  Berry flux in momentum space. They are separated in momentum space and are connected only through the crystal's boundary by an unusual topological surface state, a Fermi arc. The surface of a Weyl semimetal has been predicted to exhibit interesting tunneling and transport properties, leading to potential electronic and spintronic applications.

  We employed scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy to directly visualize the coherent quasiparticle interferences on both type-I and type-II Weyl semimetal surfaces. On NbP (type-I Weyl) surface, we reveal that the surface interference channels are restricted by their surface spin and/or orbit textures and discover the existence of surface Dirac cones. On MoxW1-xTe2 (type-II Weyl), the topological Fermi arc derived quantum interference is clearly discerned. Our results may pave a new way towards the future’s research on a Weyl fermion related surface transport phenomena and devices.

报告人简介:郑浩,上海交通大学物理与天文学院,特别研究员,主要使用扫描隧道显微镜(STM)和分子束外延手段从事凝聚态实验研究。2009-2014年在德国基尔大学从事博士后研究期间,使用STM人工构筑由单个原子组成的量子点,并完成其可调节输运测量,为实现单原子量子比特和量子计算研究打下基础。该研究产生的系列成果引起国际社会关注,与合作者一起接受专题采访,被4家德文媒体和8家英文媒体报道。2014年初受聘于美国普林斯顿大学,任副研究员。帮助物理系拓扑物质实验室建立起STM研究方向,并负责该方向工作。与同事共同完成了外尔半金属的实验发现工作,被英国物理学会评为“2015年世界十大科学突破”;被美国物理学会评为“世界年度研究亮点”。主持了外尔半金属的STM实验研究,发表了世界上第一份该材料表面准粒子量子干涉实验论文,并入选Web of Science高被引论文。



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