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报告时间:1月2日 中午12:00


报告题目:3D negative electronic compressibility in perovskite iridates


摘要: A central theme of modern condensed matter physics is to understand old and discover new emergent phenomena in quantum materials. These phenomena emerge through the collective behavior of electrons due to their mutual interactions (correlations). In this talk, I will present evidence for the first experimental cases of a new emergent phenomenon in solids—3D negative electronic compressibility. The occurrences of this phenomenon in two perovskite iridate systems are understood to be driven by the electron correlations that are intimately connected with the antiferromagnetism and pseudogap phenomena. All these phenomena in the systems are shown to derive from a special insulating phase in a way that resembles the classic metal-insulator transitions seen on the 2D electron/hole gases in semiconductor heterostructures. Our finding opens the door to an uncharted territory of negative compressibility research that potentially features a whole variety of bulk quantum materials and promises unique applications in low-power nanoelectronics and novel metamaterials.




何睿华,2001(2004)年复旦大学学士(硕士),2010年美国斯坦福大学应用物理学博士,2010-2012年美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室先进光源博士后,2012年起任美国麻省波士顿学院物理系助理教授,2017年被聘为西湖大学浙江西湖高等研究院理学研究所研究员。长期从事实验凝聚态物理基础研究,主要使用基于同步辐射X射线和真空紫外光的多种实验手段去研究强关联电子材料中的各种演生现象。在一流学术杂志共发表论文共34篇,包括以第一作者发表在Science 1篇,Nature Physics 2篇和Physical Review Letters 等3篇,以通讯作者发表在Nature Materials, Nature Communications等5篇,以及在Nature Physics受邀研究综述1篇。论文累计被引用约2600次,H指数23。2015年美国国家科学基金杰出青年学者,第十四批国家“千人计划”青年项目获得者,现兼任英国自然出版集团旗下《科学报告》等杂志学术编委。



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